Monday, June 17, 2013

mirrors unto ourselves

When we look at people we see certain virtues and vices in them that we may like or hate in others.Few of us are conscious enough to realize that what we see in others is also in us.Time and again we say and admit to ourselves that nobody is perfect but rarely do we truly understand and accept the truth of those words. It is our imperfections that make us unique.Unfortunately  we criticize others , and overlook our own weaknesses and imperfections.We live as Christ says "we see the speck in our neighbors eye and not the log in our own". This only serves to strengthen the feeling of being better than others, of  wanting to be better than others.This however, is seen and taken by many as a normal thing that is acceptable and a normal way of life.Always striving to be better than someone else,striving to achieve that which others have.

Just think for a moment  why you want the things you strive for.Deep in ourselves we know its because we have seen them being used by others or because others have created the impression its important to have these things.We strive after certain things because we believe they will add value to our lives or to us.   

Success is one word that is very much misused in defining certain states we find ourselves in.Without failure there would be no success.How can one appreciate light if one has not experienced darkness.Someone must fail for another to succeed. There can be no success without a comparison to others.A teacher dedicates all his /her  life to teaching.He/she wakes up early to go to work the money he makes is barely enough for his needs but to be a teacher is all he truly wants .Would you describe him as a success or a failure based on his/her financial status,or the social status a teacher holds in the society. 

Our success,failure,our sense of worth or importance it is all dependent on others.  We are all people but there are V.I.P or celebrities but even them they can not be without the ordinary and less important being there.Who we think we are is a reflection of others because who we truly are is more than our minds can comprehend.Only rare beings get to know and understand this truth and those rare beings see right through the reflection and understand there has never been a mirror for we are all one.

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