Friday, April 15, 2016

Where it all begins

‘and those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music” Neitzesche
Somebody asked me why do I write? It does not make me any money and certainly at this point and time I have a very small audience. I have also been told I should diversify and write about more staff.   I write so as to empty myself. I write because when am writing I connect with my innermost part, and I loose myself into the world of creating. Then my heart and mind unite, the mind as a servant of the heart. These things I write are part of sharing my beingness.I write because I want the world to know my truth. My truth is I dream of a world where every human being strives to bring out the best they can be. Where we allow our children to discover themselves without our influence. Where we accept that children are born whole and complete, that they already have a purpose that have nothing to do with our thoughts and imagination.  Most important I write because I enjoy it.

Off late I find myself thinking a lot about individuality, what it means and where it takes us, as human beings. If I may try and go back in time, our history as humanity is rich with individuals who in one way or the other have played a role in steering us to our current status as human beings. The power, I have come to realize and greatly appreciate is not and has never been in groups. Power has always been in individuals. Even groups are started by one individual who invites other people of the same interests to join the group. One individual joins with another to form a group that may become a political party, a movement or remain just a group. I will name some individuals right off my head and I would like to invite you to think of what your opinion is and how you think they have affected humanity and contributed to our current status as the human race. Madam Curie, Barack Obama, Gadafi, Nelson Madera, Robert Mugabe, Mother Teresa, Adolf Hitler, Mahatma Gadhi,Osama bin Laden, Wangari Mathai, Martin Luther King, Michael Jackson, Merlyn Monroe, Albert Einstein, Carl Gustav Jung,Sadam Hussein, Zuckerberg, Steve Jobs,Gautam Buddha .I could list a whole page but I will stop there and you can create your own list.

Each of the individual above had a dream, strong thoughts, opinions and theories. At the time some those theories were unacceptable and outrageous. To them thou it did not matter whether the dream and theories were good or bad. They were willing to find out their own way. Even most important they wanted their dreams to come true. They were men and women of great character, charismatic and great weaknesses too some of which we may know and some well hidden. They lived life and believed in what they were as human beings such that they created movements or movements formed around them. Some however were lone rangers and died fighting for what they believed. Some are dead and some are alive. Some their dreams came true during their time and others planted a seed that has been carried for generations only to bear fruits much later. Some paid sweat and blood for daring to be unconventional, for refusing to go with the crowd. Some paid with their lives and others made the rest of the world pay. Madam Curie was killed by her work, it would benefit the rest of humanity but she died alone. Adolf Hitler caused loss in great levels, pain and loss of life. Just because he had a dream and ideals that may have been madness and psychological sickness but they were his dream and he did everything in his power to bring them to life. Wangari Maathai fought for forests, she fought for something that could never belong to her. She was jailed, beaten up but she fought on. If you think about it hers must have seemed a totally ridiculous ambition at the time. Few people understood. Others not mentioned here, some whom we may never learn of suffered too for example women who died during the witch hunt not because they were or were not witches but because people did not even understand.

For these people to discover these passions they must have dug into their depths. They must have accepted the feelings that came from within them. Some may have been thought to be mad by their families and peer, some may have been rejected. Albert Einstein did not learn how to talk until he was four, he could not learn to tie His shoes and was way behind his classmates in learning to read. His teachers described him as mentally slow, unsociable and a dreamer. Although he eventually made it through college, he failed the entrance level exam for college. He is thought by some to have had Asperger symptoms, a form of autism. Despite all this Einstein became a theoretical physicist who came up with astounding scientific discoveries and theories. There is a man in history called Copernicus who strongly supported the theory that the sun was the center of the solar system. This was widely disputed and largely ignored especially by the church. He wrote to the pope of the day trying to seek support but to no avail.

The single reason I decided to dedicate this post today to these individuals is because I believe in the power of individuals. I believe true power to transform this world, nations, families, and friends lies not in groups but with individuals. I do not know of any individual who is perfect or had it smooth all the way. We cannot discover what power lies within unless we let ourselves be as human as can be. By allowing our true selves to live. Whether beautiful or ugly. All of us has some ugly truth, unfortunately we cannot see the stars during the day or the moon. Only in darkness do we see the stars. We cannot appreciate daylight if we cannot appreciate darkness. We cannot appreciate the rains if we do not experience the dry season or as some people would say summer and winter.  People like Hitler might have existed for us to see meaning in what people like mother Teresa did. The aim is not to go down the books of history, the purpose is when is all said and done you did it your way, you lived. You may not have reached the point of being able to define success in your own terms. I am still putting the terms together for myself and if you have put down your own terms well and good. Start by wondering what is it you would be willing to die for here and now. It does not matter whether you have no idea, whether your mind comes blank, put the thought in your head. Plant it, keep it there, and think about it. Start the journey into rediscovering yourself.  Sing your own song no matter how off key. It is time to stop living life in other people’s terms but our own, truth born from our depth.

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