Wednesday, April 3, 2013

towards wholeness:letting go
In the last post i said the path of oneness is a path of letting go.You acquire nothing you are left bare and naked,holding on to nothing.No ego means no pride,letting go expectations,letting go hope,it means total surrender and acceptance of things as they are.All ideas of who you are or think you are fall apart,your ideals, philosophies and believes fall apart .You gain nothing,you become nothing  you become free. In words it might sound poetic maybe even simple however, letting go is one of the most difficult things for humans to do.

letting go the attachment
Having been used to living and doing things with an intention of acquiring success and material things then this becomes a difficult path to walk.Its a path of loosing to become and that which we become is who we truly are and  hence not measurable by any  standards of this world.By loosing i do not mean you give up on your  wealth or what you like or want to be,it means letting go the controlling desire.Letting go the attachment to things means you are able to enjoy freely without fear of loss.If you  were to listen to religious leaders today and motivational speakers they talk of  acquiring, becoming better than the rest,winning and becoming like someone else or as society prescribes success to be. On the path to oneness one is awakened and  is able to see beyond  winning and loosing,one is able to  see  beyond good and bad.

the attachments
We get attached to so many  things in this world ,some of us practically live attached to all things in our life situations.(Remember you are life so what you go through are life situations.)We get attached to our bodies,mind perceptions,ideas,dreams,expectations,friends,jobs,spouses,clothes,money etc.How do you know you are attached? there is no better pointer than emotions.The emotions  we  feel towards things or people can tell us just how attached we are to people and things and that is why we  can only be happy with or about them.Happiness is  caused by  things  without, joy flows from the wellness of  our being,from the fullness of our hearts  from the  depth of our  souls.

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