Saturday, April 13, 2013

 things that bind us
There  are  things that imprison us and although we claim to be free we know not we are prisoners.We live as in the case of he who does not know but he knows not that he does not know.I will touch on a few as only each person can seek within and find that which binds them.
Expectations take away mystery,adventure and beauty out of life.They affect how we interpret the world and in particular the life situations we find ourselves into.The world   is perfect just as it is, there is absolutely nothing wrong with it .It is our desires and wants that deny us from seeing the beauty and mystery of events in our lives.When you have expectations,you already have a preferred way in which you want things to go.When things go otherwise your expectations affect your judgement or blurs your view of what is actually happening.When you expect nothing everything that happens is unexpected,it is new and life is full of adventure and joy.Expectations give rise to assumptions and assumptions limit us from seeing things as they are and without being judgmental.

A story is told of a man who wins a nice new car in a lottery.His friends and relatives  all congratulate him and tell him how lucky he was.All he ever answered was "maybe". A few weeks later he is involved in an accident and the car is damaged beyond recognition.Everyone who saw the car was surprised that anyone could have come out of the wreckage alive.As friends and relatives come to see him in the hospital some say he was so lucky he escaped with his life.Others say winning the lottery was bad luck whereas others say he was just unlucky.All he ever answered was "maybe". Two weeks later while he was still in the hospital recuperating a tsunami hits his home which is built near the beach,everybody who was in the house dies except him as he was in the hospital.Was he just lucky or unlucky? By this man simply refusing to judge the situation by answering 'maybe' he takes no position he simply allows things to happen.He does not burden himself with thoughts of how lucky or unlucky he is.He simply lets things be as everything that happened was outside his control.

Continued on the next post.

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