journey towards oneness
I must start by admitting that not everyone who will read this blog will understand.However for those who are ready i trust that this blog will find you in good time.On the journey to awakening some seem like it is their reason for living whereas for others they struggle and put effort to get there.Whichever way one finds themselves on this path does not matter, what matters is what we learn and become.Unlike other paths we follow in life which are about acquiring things outside ourselves this is a path of letting go.Although it promises joy and freedom in itself it can be difficult and at times painful.They are moments of bliss and magic as well as moments of pain and darkness.However those who find it know its their reason for being here, for going through their current karmic cycle.
the call
It starts with a nudge within to find meaning in life.For others it starts with this persistent gnawing inside of discontentment,unhappiness and deep loneliness.The realization that no one and nothing can feel the void inside.For some it is success that feels empty or even meaningless,for others it is loss of a job,divorce or death of a loved one.An event occurs that upsets the current thinking and status quo that one is left with nothing to hold on to anymore.One realizes that nothing and no one can heal the brokenness and complete them.
broken open
The path to oneness leads to ego breakdown.We do not soothe the ego or tone it down but rather it is broken.For one to be free the ego must be broken beyond repair,it is conquered.Jesus said he who wants to enter the kingdom of God must humble like a child.A child is free of the ego and many things that bind us as adults.The path to oneness is a path of healing ,a path back to fullness and wholeness.Its a path that one lets go and acquires nothing in return for that which one becomes is beyond words.freedom,joy and fullness become one with the person.Every time our ego is chattered the universe offers us a chance to be free of it.Observe and realize the things that hurt your ego that could be your first step towards freedom and fullness.Remember you are the sky,you are life ,life situations are like the clouds that hung under the sky and pass but the sky remains.
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