Thursday, July 14, 2016

Two sides of the same coin

'you must understand the whole of life,not just one little part of it.That is why you must read,that is why you must look at the sky,sing and dance,and write poems ,and suffer, and understand,for all that is life'  Jidu Krishnamurti

Growing up one of the things we learn as soon as our minds can grasp anything is good and bad, as we grow older .The good we label as light, godly or  good  and  most popularly  acceptable. The bad we label as evil, darkness or bad or simply unacceptable. We train our minds to live in duality, we condition our minds for years and all through life this becomes our way of life. We pass it down generations and it has survived well since as some people want to call it Garden of   Eden. There are always winners and losers, friend or foe, positive or negative, man or woman, heaven or hell. Are they really two opposing sides? Or are they more like land and ocean?  Are they more like night and day? Sun and stars?

The sun does not set nor rise, and most of the times the day is equal to the night. The earth simply rotates away from the sun.  When you go to the beach the water is flowing on top of land. If you were to walk into the ocean sooner or later you lose your touch with the ground. It does not mean the land seizes to exist below the water. Imagine a diver or a submarine literally on the floor of the ocean on its deepest part are they not in touch with the land covered by the massive waters. 

Just like day and night are so are we, two sides of the same coin. Those who grew up going to church like myself were repeatedly taught to be good. Even in our homes we were taught to be good is the only acceptable way of life. The whole point of existence of the law is to ensure we do the right thing. For those who cannot differentiate the two the law, rules and regulations exist for that very purpose. So in this world duality rules and everything and everyone has two sides. Two sides of the same coin. All our lives we have been taught to allow only one side. Can you imagine if the night did not exist, assume it was daylight all the time or alternatively assume it was night all the time?  I don’t know about you but one of the most beautiful things I love about this planet is watching   the stars at night. I imagine those who discovered space and that there was more than our planet did so at night. To gaze at the stars at night and know that earth is just one of the bodies in the Milky Way is a mind numbing marvel. The stars, the moon, the sun are all parts of the earth experience.

The reason for going into details about all this is to drive the point home, both night and day exists within each and every one of us. If your life was threatened it is the dark part of us that would make and have made some people fight back. Some people call this self-defense, it simply is our dark part reacting. Is fear a good thing or a bad thing? In most communities some people attribute fear to being cowardly. Fear however causes you to react, example if you were attacked by a wild animal fear causes flight. In some instances however fear holds us back, in some cases it contains us in our comfort zone. However can one be truly one hundred percent without fear of some kind? 

We think and live based on duality, we forget head and tails are two different sides of the same coin. What happens when you realize that there are feelings that arise from within you involuntarily yet are unacceptable by others?  For example parts of your personality that are inborn yet you can do little to change. Some people have embraced one side while suppressing the other. Of course this creates an imbalance.  When you suppress that which you are naturally how can you live a  holistic and authentic life?  I believe what we need is a balance not to deny or suppress either side.

Think of anger, when you last felt so angry about something or someone. Why were you angry? Looking in my own life I realized I feel angry when my boundaries are violated.  When people do things to us that provoke something inside of us we get angry. We do not get angry because of someone words but what they awaken inside us. There is an energy dormant within us that has been stirred. Anger then is helpful as it helps in setting boundaries, what makes us angry can point us to issues within us we need to deal with.
For example, Jealousy is an emotion we have been taught is bad and evil. Feeling jealousy can lead to doing  bad  things and maybe it does that in some cases. It is as some people would call it evil.  In fact growing up going to church I can still hear in my memory our church school teacher telling us how Cain jealousy caused him to Kill Abel and hence was cursed forever. The first human murder according to the bible caused by jealousy. This translated to me fearing the feeling, hating and suppressing it for a very long time. Worse of all pretending it did not affect me, sadly it is one emotion that seemed to arise involuntarily like many other emotions. 

One day this week I made a decision to allow myself  to feel  without  judging the feeling , I gave myself permission to feel even the unacceptable. It seemed my body and mind complied for I felt jelous of even small things. This was odd, normally I don’t find myself feeling this way often. The  truth is not only did I dislike the word, I thought it was a weakness, it showed I had not accepted myself and who I am. All my life I suppressed it. Suppressing an emotion does not mean the energy that is the emotion goes away it just settles in our bodies. We carry it around everywhere we go, it lies dormant until something happens to awaken it. Is it possible I wonder to control the feelings that arise involuntarily from within us? If you ever found yourself  feeling  jealous  what did you do?  I also realized I felt jealous of people I had no reason to feel jealous of. There was nothing about their lives that matched with mine except above all else we are one. However in this world of duality we were simply on different course yet why? Once I heard a friend got a great job and was doing well and I felt jealous .Why I wondered, I was not looking   for the promotion or to climb the social ladder they were climbing. Once I felt jealous of how a workmate seemed capable of fitting in and doing small talk with everyone. Why? I dislike small talk, I simply don’t know how to engage in one, not for lack of trying .I also find them very empty. How could I engage in small talk with someone if I can sense and feel the truth behind every word they say. If I know how they feel at this point in time. If they are lying, if they are pretending, kissing ass or trying too hard. My nature would simply not allow me. I feel more than small talk allows. Then I realized there is jealous and envy and I used both interchangeably to mean the same thing.

There is another part of me inside sieving through what am receiving and not just making commentary but judging. To be judgmental is a bad thing that is what I was taught .However, quite often than not how I judge what am perceiving turns out to be true. Why feel jealousy of people who we have so little in common, I most certainly do not want what they have. I realized these people simply reminded me how far from achieving my dreams I felt I was. Feeling jealous did not mean I did not want them to achieve or be where they were it simply provoked  my longing to achieve my own desires while at the same time provoking that feeling inside of doubt and fear of failing . What they had that I wanted was success but my own success in my own quest was nothing like what they had achieved.  

When a man or woman feels jealous of her or his lover, simply that which is causing  jealousy is provoking something that already exists inside them. Insecurity, fear of losing this other person. Insecurity is one thing we have all struggled with, at one time or the other. So long   as the unknown exists then we can never truly feel totally secure in ourselves leave alone in this world. Tomorrow represents the unknown for no one truly knows what tomorrow will bring.  Most of us humans live almost all our lives looking and waiting   for tomorrow, doing everything for tomorrow. Interesting to note here that the sun never sets nor rises hence tomorrow is a mind conditioning. There is only now, a continuous ongoing now. We permit ourselves to feel the unacceptable so it can point us onto our true selves.

 Some of us live all our lives trying to be good, believing we are good. Others have embraced their darkness and live their lives in darkness always. Someone said there is a very thin line between love and hate. Hence no matter how hard we try to be good and manifest our goodness once in a while our darkness will come out. Since we always suppress it we will have no idea what to do with it. Today if I feel a situation is making me angry I choose to keep quiet, or walk away. Experience has taught me when am angry I say and do things that are sometimes totally out of line.  Emotions are neither good nor bad, they simply are alive within us . If an emotion arises no matter how hard we try to suppress it. It arises from within us for a reason. We can either allow ourselves to experience it or suppress it.

I once had a boss I could not stand, there was something about him I truly disliked. I disliked how he handled things, but there was something in the way he did things, simplicity. I disliked   simplicity, I am not sure why but whenever somebody told me I was simple, or commented on my simplicity, I hated it. I grew to dislike it so much that I disliked people like my boss.  I wanted to be sophisticated and complex, yet naturally no matter how complex something is I always try to find a way to simplify it. I find ways to make it easy to understand for whoever it is am explaining it to. I try to use lay man language so to speak in simple terms I want things to be easy to understand for everyone.  The other thing my boss had was loyalty to our employer. If you were to choose a team would you not choose those who are loyal to you. Being loyal to a course does not mean one cannot be fierce .It does not make you weak. I did have a lot in common with my boss, I just refused to accept these qualities because I interpreted them using my conditioning.  They appeared to be weaknesses. Being loyal I interpreted as ass kissing which it could have been but in this case it actually wasn’t. Being simple I interpreted as weakness.
Imagine a thermometer, it measures both cold and warmth. It has a zero mark which can go down to read negative or up to read hot. Now imagine cold represents evil, while warmth represents good. Cold or warmth are both in the same continuum that is why there is only one gadget to measure either. So is being good or bad , there are all in the same continuum we just tend to rotate towards one side, mostly  depending on our conditioning.  When you lose weight the weighing scale goes down, when you gain weight it goes up.
Next time you feel angry, or jealous if you can manage not to be swallowed and controlled by the emotion, don’t fight it either observe it. As it arises within you, close your eyes and feel it. Let it point you to the truth inside you . It lives within you, not outside it is as real and true as those good and acceptable feelings you allow yourself to feel. It is the only way to bring darkness to light not by covering it.

What happens when people go to a confession, or simply tell the truth? It is simply shining light to the dark. Shine the light of consciousness to your darkness by permitting yourself  to feel all that arises from within.

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